a birthday story – 3 years in the making


It’s been a year… it feels like so long ago and still only yesterday.

Some of you may know this story and others do not so just a little backstory to how the twins came to be.

Flash back to September 9, 2007.  Our son was born.  Our hearts were full.  We had one of each, the perfect little family.  And that is how we stayed for quite some time.  Our lives got hectic with raising 2 young kids, opening a business and then saving for and building our home.  But as time went on I found myself not feeling quite whole.  Something was missing and as I reflected on what that something was, I realized that we weren’t meant to be done having kids, our hearts had more room.

With our oldest 2, getting pregnant was EASY.  Reagan was an oops (the best oops of my life!) and when we decided we were ready for #2 we were pregnant with Grant in a month.  So when we made the decision to grow our family, it never even crossed my mind that there may be a struggle.  But struggle we did!

I knew when it didn’t happen for us within a few months that something was up.  Call it women’s intuition!  I saw my regular OB and discussed what could be the cause.  After talking, it was determined that I may have some endometriosis.  But the only way to diagnose and treat it was through surgery.  So in December of 2014 I underwent a laparoscopy.  It was found that I did have some endometriosis and my doctor was confident that this small fix was what we needed.  A few more months passed and still not pregnant.  So back to the doctor I go, this time to discuss fertility options.  Like most women experiencing infertility, the first drug you’re given is Clomid.  It’s fairly easy.  You start on a low dose for the first 2 months, bump it up for the next 2 months and yet again for another 2 months.  Throughout that time, there are bi-monthly doctor visits and monthly blood draws to check your progesterone levels (not to mention all the basal temp monitoring & peeing on sticks… constantly checking for ovulation).  After 6 months, my doctor decided to keep up the Clomid for 2 additional cycles at the maximum dose.  Still nothing.

After the 8 months of Clomid, I was referred to Kettering Reproductive Medicine.  We met with Dr. Mark Bidwell in January of 2016.  We talked about what we’ve learnt so far and what treatments we already underwent.  Dr. Bidwell wanted to start with a few months on another fertility drug.  One that also has benefits for people with endometriosis.  I was a little reluctant.  I was ready to go big or go home.  But Brad wanted to give it a try, so we waited a cycle and returned for an ultrasound of my ovaries prior to starting the new treatment.  They found a cyst.  I was devastated.  It wasn’t the end, I just had to wait to start any new treatment until it went away.  But when you have been waiting this long already, waiting another month (maybe two) seemed cruel.  I remember leaving the appointment in tears, getting in the car for the long ride home and telling Brad that I can’t do this anymore.  We needed to decide to go all in (IVF) or I was done.  I couldn’t handle the emotional roller coaster every month, every cycle brought.

A few weeks passed and we return to KPM to talk IVF.  A conversation only a few years ago I NEVER imagined I would have.  I left that meeting feeling lighter, feeling hopeful.  Sure, there was still a lot of obstacles to overcome, a slew of tests both for both of us and not to mention the monetary commitment, but I felt that this was the answer (here comes that women’s intuition again!).

We started our IVF cycle in April of 2016.  Anyone that has undergone IVF knows it takes both a physical and emotional toll.  Looking back, I’m not sure which was harder!  We quickly learned how to measure and administer shots.  Following the schedule to a T.  Every 3 days, going back down to Kettering to watch the follicles grow.  Doctors adjusting the medications to ensure the eggs would be ripe and ready come retrieval day.  We had an incredibly successful cycle.  If I’m remembering the numbers correctly we had a total of 20 eggs, 17 of which were mature enough for fertilization.  For the next 3-5 days you get daily updates on the status of the embryos and everyday we received great, positive news.  Day 5 rolls around and it’s time for implant!

We discussed with the doctors about how many embryos to transfer.  They felt confident with the way everything was looking that we would be successful even just transferring one.  But I wanted every odd stacked in my favor, and the percentage of implant was higher when you transfer 2, so that was the route we decided on.  Transfer was done and now all we could do was wait… more waiting.

With time gone by now, I can’t remember exactly how long you wait before the blood test to determine if you were pregnant, but I do remember it taking seemingly forever!  So the big day rolls around and I go for the blood draw early in the morning to ensure I get the results back the same day.  The rest of the day I was so anxious, watching the clock, willing my phone to ring.  So 4:00 rolls around and I know the office is closing at 4:30 and still no call.  I couldn’t take it anymore so I called them to see if they had the results.  The answer is obviously anti-climatic as we all know how the story ends.  But it was a moment of pure joy and release to hear all of our efforts were paying off.

Monroe and Hayes… you have blessed us more than you know.  We longed for you, prayed for you, sacrificed for you and the two of you were SO worth it.  I would do the whole thing over if I got you two again.  We love you beyond words baby girls… Happy Birthday!

And to all of you couples out there experiencing infertility.  My heart goes out to you.  It’s not easy.  Most of the time there isn’t a quick fix or even a clear answer as to why.  I’ve stood in your shoes, I’ve felt your pain.  And I will continue to pray for your miracle.

The Wenning Family | Ohio Family Photography

Ohio  Family Photography | Family Portraits | Family Photography

Working with other local entrepreneurs, especially working women+moms is a big benefit to our job!!

Becca + I have worked together on a couple of projects now and Mara+I often find ourselves photographing brides who have purchased their gowns from Brides and Beyond. I’m so thankful to be able to bounce business ideas off one another and help each other’s business grow. Local connections are so important + I always know it’s  going to be great fun when we collaborate!
…So when Becca called us to do some family portrait work, we were over the moon excited!!
Becca, thank you for opening up your home, it’s gorgeous! The boys are getting so big, more like young men now. We cannot wait to see where the future takes you, your business and your sweet family. Have a very Merry Christmas + a wonderful New Year.


The Reineke Family | Ohio Family Photography

You must check these family images out!  We were lucky enough to photograph Meg’s senior portraits a few years back and were so excited when Stan contacted the studio to surprise his wife with a gift certificate for a family portrait.  Their clothes and location did not disappoint and the resulting images are beautiful!  Thanks Reineke family for choosing Portrait Identity, I can’t wait to share the rest with you!


Seriously… the freckles just kill me!

Dalton | Ohio Senior Photography

Ohio Senior Photographer | Senior Photography | Senior Portraits

Dalton | Coldwater HS Senior | Class of ’18
Now… let’s have a moment of truthful honesty. Taking senior pictures isn’t always the guy’s favorite thing to do. So when you mother books your senior portraits+family portraits all for the same night… are you excited or upset?!?
Haha, either way, Dalton was a champ and we had a blast working with him. A complete natural in front of the camera, falling into poses like a model! Here are just a couple of our favorites from his senior portrait session!


Aliya | Ohio Senior Photography

Ohio Senior Photographer | Senior Photography | Senior Portraits

Aliya | Ansonia HS Senior | Class of  ’18
Simple. Cute. Easy on the eyes… everything Miss Aliya was the day she came to have her senior portraits taken! Wishing you a year full of great memories and the start to an amazing adventure.


Kayci | Ohio Senior Photography

Ohio Senior Photographer | Senior Photography | Senior Portraits

Kayci | St. Henry HS Senior | Class of ’18
You are all going to fall in love with Kacyi. We had a BLAST working with her. We spent the morning at the St. Charles Center, {yet once again} but this time in a few spots we don’t always get to photograph at, or some we didn’t even know existed! Thanks Kacyi+Sandy for bringing us around the ‘new’ pond {at least to us} and letting us gush over you for the morning.


Lydia | Ohio Senior Photography

Ohio Senior Photographer | Senior Photography | Senior Portraits

Lydia | Ft. Recovery HS Senior | Class of ’18
LOVED meeting+getting to know Lydia!! This girl has a smile that could fill the room with joy and the sweetest personality.
Thanks Lydia for selecting us to capture your senior portraits!
