Willow Ann | Ohio Newborn Photography

Ohio Newborn Photographer | Newborn Photography | Newborn Portraits

Welcome to the world sweet Willow Ann Stucke.


Hunter + Emmett | Ohio Children Photography

Ohio Children Photographer | Children Photography | Children Portraits

… because sharing one of these brothers isn’t quite enough.
Here’s a bit more of the story behind how this session went. Pure FUN!!!


Ian + Caroline | Ohio Children Photography

Ohio Children Photographer | Children Photography | Children Portraits

It’s always a good time when we get to visit with some of the Clune clan. They’ve been clients of ours now for the past few years and it’s so much fun watching the kids grow and develop their personalities.

Caroline is just the sweetest doll-baby every. Her smiles are infections and we always get a giggle out of her flexibility.

Ian… all we ever want is that Ian giggle. You have the biggest laugh and I think the biggest heart to go with it!


Blake | Ohio Children Photograph

Ohio Children Photographer | Children Photography | Children Portraits

Although I’d love to say that every kid is super smiley, that’s not always the case. Sometimes kids are shy and need extra time to warm up. Sometimes kids are very distracted by their surroundings that frankly, we’re just not cool enough. And sometimes kids are just kids! [[They give us THEIR expressions, not what we think they should.]]

BUT that’s part of what photographing kids is all about. It’s their day, their moment, to just be a kid. To play, to be ornery, to laugh or to be shy.
I’ll let you in on a little secret… Really, we’re not there to photography, but to enjoy their company for awhile.

Here’s a little sneak-peek from Blake’s 2-year portrait session.


Eli | Ohio Newborn Photography

Ohio Newborn Photographer | Newborns | Newborn Photography

I think it’s safe to say you are loved already Mr. Eli.
Welcome to the world little one!


Kali | Ohio Children Photography

Ohio Children Photographer | CHILDREN | Children Portraits

And just like that she’s 6-months old!
We snagged a few pictures of her+her big brother and I think they are adorable! {Don’t you?!?}


Alexis | Ohio Children Photography

Ohio Children Photographer | Children Portraits | CHILDREN

Miss Alexis is one, on the move and sending (a few) smiles our way.


Liam | Ohio Children Photography

Ohio Children Photography | Children Portraits

Mr. Liam is 5 years old already. Where has the time gone?! It feels like just yesterday we were rooting him on as he made his entrance into the world. Life is a miracle.. truly!


Anna | Ohio Children Photography

Ohio Children Photographer | Children Portraits | Children Photography

The only thing I can think to say is…. I cannot imagine this girls’ personality at 18.
(I am one proud auntie!!)


Ian | Ohio Children Photography

Ohio Children Photographer | Children Photography | Children Portraits

I have to share a mini sneak-peek into Ian’s 7 year portraits. It’s only been a couple of years since we have met Ian, his parents and siblings but it feels like we have known them forever!
There is just something about having local roots and raising your kids with morals and values from our area… When we left for the session, we loaded up all our gear as usual and hopped into the car (didn’t think twice about it!). Once we arrived in downtown Versailles, Ian automatically offered to carry some of our bags and equipment. Jenny filled us in that Ian was so upset that he didn’t offer to help us load our car up. Mr. Ian continued to offer to help the entire session… what a little GENTLEMAN!

Yes, Ian is one pretty cool dude!!!! Thanks Ian (+ Jenny) for a fantastic session!!16082-Clune-030